Clients who passed their practical driving test in 2024 with 

CP Driving.

To see pictures of clients who have passed in previous years, click here....Archive-Who Passed in the Past

Evie gains her licence in Newtown on 11th March at the first attempt followin big sister Laura in passing with us. You have been a joy to help Evie.

Good luck with all in the future.

Drive safely!

Danielle gains her licence in Newtown on 7th May accruing just 2 driver faults! What a great drive!

It has been an absolute pleasure for me getting to meet you Danielle.

Good luck with all in the future.

Drive safely!

This was a special one as Chloe, at the first attempt, gains her licence in Newtown on 2nd May,

What a star you have been chloe, too see you develop your driving skills has been an honour for me to witness.

Good luck with all in the future.

Drive safely!

Ali gains his licence in Newtown on 1st May with just 1 driver fault!!

Great drive Lewis, it has been a pleasure getting to know you.

Good luck with all in the future.

Drive safely!

Owain gains his licence in Newtown on 30th April at the first attempt with just 2 driver faults! Another Rowlands to achieve the feat!  For a Liverpool fan you're a good lad!!

Good luck with all in the future.

Drive safely!

Sarah comfortably gains her licence in Brecon on 12th April at the first attempt, becoming another of the Nicholls clan to pass with CP Driving!

It has been a pleasure getting to know you Sarah.

Good luck with all in the future.

Drive safely!

Connor gains his licence in Newtown on 12th April.  Well done Connor it was great getting to meet you.

Good luck with all in the future.

Drive safely!

Ali gains her licence in Newtown on 11th March at the first attempt with just 2 driver faults! Following big sister Tia in passing first time with us.  Ali becomes our 300th first time pass!!

You have been a star Ali.

Good luck with all in the future.

Drive safely!

Charlotte gains her licence in Newtown on 27th February at the first attempt with just 3 driver faults! Getting to yourclients shoukd be quicker and easier now!

It as been a pleasure getting to know you Charlotte.

Good luck with all in the future.

Drive safely!

Morgan gains his licence in Newtown on 26th February at the first attempt without getting a single driving fault! Fancy Villa getting a clean sheet!

It as been a pleasure getting to know you Morgan.

Good luck with all in the future.

Drive safely!

Ellie gains her licence in Newtown on 20th February at the first attempt accruing just one driver fault in the process. Hope you enjoyed your "adventure"!

It as been a pleasure getting to know you Ellie.

Good luck with all in the future.

Drive safely!

Chloe gains her licence in Brecon on 23rd January at the first attempt. Following big sister Lauren.

It as been a pleasure getting to know you Chloe.

Good luck with all in the future.

Drive safely!